4146 E. Reynosa Drive
Columbia, MO 65201
ph: 573-999-0637
On this page I am answering frequently asked questions about my business. Feel free to write or call to ask your question if not addressed here!
7:30am to 5:30 pm. Other hours can be considered, but normally require an additional fee if accepted.
Most children arrive between 7:30am and 9am and are picked up between 4pm and 5:30pm.
Initial appointments are normally outside of regular business hours to allow for me to focus on you, your child, and our meeting.
Appointments are usually scheduled at 6pm, 630pm, or 7pm during the week or in the afternoon on Saturday or Sunday.
Following an initial interview if you would like to visit during normal hours you can make an appointment to come by for a brief visit during the day.
I am serving USDA Food Program meals. All of the children enroll in the food program and that provides a portion of the money needed to provide food for the children.
Breakfast is normally served at 8:30am and is composed of a grain, a fruit or vegetable, and milk. Lunch is typically served at 11:30am and is composed of a protien, 2 fruits/vegetables, a grain, and milk. Snacks are any 2 foods from different food groups.
Someone from the food program visits several times per year to check on meal service to the children and sanitation. Menus are recorded and submitted monthly to the food program.
Sometimes children are allergic to a food and in that case serving that food to the child is avoided either to menu planning or subsitution when possible.
Sometimes parents prefer their child drink a milk substitute so they provide that and it is served in place of milk at meals and snacks.
Sometimes parents have other special requests due to religion or health preferences and those are discussed and worked out on a case by case basis. I try to work with parents about feeding their children.
Infants under age 1 are also enrolled in the food program, but have their own menu. Parents provide breastmilk or formula in bottles and I provide other infant foods.
Up to 4 months breastmilk or formula is given, from 4-6 months rice cereal is introduced, and as your child is read other infant fruits and vegetables are added. This is on the schedule you and your medical professional decide is best for your child.
At age 1 babies can begin to use the regular menu as they are able.
Infants require more personal time and attention in feeding and care. They require a personal menu when under age 1 and a limited number of infants can be placed in care.
A child is considered an infant according to state licensing up to age 2.
I do accept some part time children. Part time care is less expensive than full time care for parents, but costs more per unit than full time, because to accept a part time child often results in taking a full time position up.
Regularly scheduled part time children pay weekly and are responsible for holidays just like full time children.
New Years Day- January
Martin Luther King's Birthday- January
President's Day- February
Memorial Day- May
Independence Day- July
Labor Day- September
Thanksgiving- November- Thursday and Friday
Christmas- December (5 days off for Christmas)
If a holiday falls on a weekend, then the Friday before or Monday after will be designated as the observed holiday day.
Holidays are days we are closed. Payment is not discounted for these days. Please plan in advance if you are working those days for alternate care.
In addition to holidays we are closed the week of Spring Break in March and 5 additonal personal days in a calendar year and these are treated the same as holidays. Also closed with MU severe weather, possibly with some CPS severe weather but not always then.
When you take vacation you will pay as normally for the time your child is away.
Currently Spring Break week, Christmas week, and 5 personal days.
Your child cannot attend school if vomitting or having diahrea, with a temperature of 100 or greater without use of fever lowering medications (must be fever free for 24 hours), or with other contagious conditions such as a skin rash or pinkeye, lice etc.
Children do attend with a cold, without a fever, and after being on antibiotics 24 hours.
If your child becomes ill or sick while at school you will be contacted. If you cannot be reached your next contact will be called. If necessary you or your designee will have to pick your child up from school.
If your child is injured and requires immediate medical treatment the hospial/doctor on your enrollment materials will be contacted or 911 for immediate assistance.
This is necessary to point out, however so far no one has ever been seriously injured at Luke's Treehouse. Also parents are normally not bringing children to school when they are sick and will need to be picked up early so suprise calls rarely ever happen. You are expected to have health care coverage for your child to cover any illness, injury, or health related care.
Most commonly are the small bumps, bruises, little cuts or scrapes associated with play and those are documented as needed on incident report forms and given basic first aid as needed.
All staff members have basic first aid and CPR training.
This depends on the child's age and situation. Typically there are 3 options:
1 Redirecton- this is good for infants and small children to help them get on to something they should be doing that is okay and safe to do.
2 Time out- this is good for small and older children to take time away from a situation or activity that is not working for them. This is a place usually where other children are not- such as the couch, or sitting at the table, or in th hallway. The amount of time is based on the childs age and usually recommended amounts are 1 minute for each year of age.
3. Mediation- This is helpful to develop social skills and resolve problems between children who are of age to benefit and understand this process.
Parents are encouraged to provide input and information about their child and what works for them and what they do about things at home.
Children arrive between 7:30am and 9am. Small group activities and free play
Breakfast at 8:30.
Then diaper changing/toileting.
Story time/group time
Outdoor play
Lunch 1130am
Free play time
Tooth brushing
Rest time 1pm
TV-time as they kids are waking
Snack time
Story time
Outdoor play
Children are picked up by 5:30
If the weather does not permit outdoor play we do active indoor play
My husband Daniel is Dutch and of course can speak Dutch as well as some French and German.
My assistant Maria is a former native of Mexico and speaks fluent Spanish.
Some of the parents who interview lately have been asking about sign language. I do not know sign language, but I could learn simple signals as needed.
Yes, we save those for snack time. This and holiday parties are the only time we really have any sweets so occasional sweets are okay, but not part of the regular menu. Healthy treats are great too!
You can check on scheduling additional time outside of normal fee and service times on a case by case basis.
Call and if I can help you I will. I understand sometimes family and friends are far away or not available. Although a business relationship we are an extension of your famiy and friends. We are trusted people in your child's life.
Yes, but make it something safe for other kids and durable. Comfort items are okay for kids and can be brought and used here during play and rest. Many children have a rest time item. These items may be put away and used at rest time only if high interest toys rather than a comfort item.
Positions are held only with agreement, deposit and contract. Until or unless those things have happened the position is considered open.
A deposit is worth 1 week of care. It is paid upon enrollment. It can be used toward the last week of care when 3 weeks notice is given. Notice is due by Friday to terminate care, then 2 more weeks are paid for, Deposit applies to final 3rd week. If termination is other than this 2 weeks severence pay is required.
Comments from parents-
I'm really glad you are here- my last provider was calling in sick so often. I am glad I can can count on you.
The last place I went to felt so impersonal, I really like how it is here.
I like how my child is both given structured activities and free play time both. Other places we have been either felt completely structured so my child never got to do choose anything or was so unstructured it was nothing but free play. This is the right blend for us.
I like having the option to do gym bus. I can let my child do an extracurricular activity but I don't have to take time out of my day to take him to it.
Unlike a center my children can be together in the same classroom.
Your question not answered here? Call 573-999-0637 and leave a voice mail or text, or you can e-mail lukestreehouse@yahoo.com. Thanks!
Copyright 2010 Luke's Treehouse Child Care & Preschool. All rights reserved.
4146 E. Reynosa Drive
Columbia, MO 65201
ph: 573-999-0637